Gov’t pushes intellectual property rules   |  

HCM CITY — The Ministry of Science and Technology has announced that it will put VND20 billion (US$1.25 million) into a programme promoting intellectual property rights (IPR).

“The ministry might double the money to help increase intellectual property awareness,” said senior Government Office official Tran Son Lam at a seminar introducing the programme in HCM City on Monday.

The programme was initially launched in 2005, but was not well received, as many people were still unaware of IPR.

“Science and technology groups should understand intellectual property rights very clearly. If we can’t apply intellectual property protection in manufacturing, we will never develop,” he said.

He said that through the seminar and the programme, enterprises would be offered assistance in understanding and developing policy towards IPR in the business world.

The programme aims to increase awareness of IPR development and protection to increase enterprises’ competitive ability.

While focusing on organising IPR training and education the programme also provides financial assistance to other IPR promotion projects.

Last year, seven such projects received a total investment of around VND1 billion ($62,000). The programme is co-ordinated by 10 ministries alongside provincial People’s Committees and the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Further information is available at — VNS