However, in fact the Shan Tuyết tea, among above-mentioned, includes a kind of green tea processed in Sao Suốt method and the geographical area for the Shan Tuyết tea is actually larger than the area referred to in the Decision. Given that, the Department of Science and Technology of Sơn La province, authorized by the People’s Committee of Sơn La province, had filed an application requesting the amendment of the protection of  GI Mộc Châu in term of protected products and geographical area.

On 9th August 2010, the Director General of NOIP issued the Decision No. 1519/QĐ-SHTT on granting Geographical Indication (GI) Certificate No. 0002 for GI MỘC CHÂU with the following amendments:

–           The Department of Science and Technology of Sơn La province is designated as the management organization of GI Mộc Châu for the Shan Tuyết tea.

–           The geographical areas are extended to the following communes, namely: Vân Hồ, Quy Hướng, Sóng Lập, Suối Bàng, Chiềng Sơn, Chiềng Khoa, Mường Sang, Tân Lập, Tô Múa, Chiềng Yên, Đông Sang, Chiềng Khừa, Phiêng Luông, Chiềng Hắc, Lóng Luông; Mộc Châu town, Mộc Châu farming of Mộc Châu district of Sơn La province.

–           Products bearing GI Mộc Châu shall be: black tea, green tea processed in Bao Chung method and green tea processed in Sao Suốt method with typical quality.

–           Organoleptics of the products:

Ø       The black tea:  has light brown-black color, with a great deal of flecks of main snow white and light yellow; strong aroma; smooth, strong, comfortable and post-sweet taste.

Ø       The green tea processed in Bao Chung method: has black-green color, with a great deal of flecks of snow white, typical aroma, non-pungent but post-sweet taste.

Ø       The green tea processed in Sao Suốt method: has light silver green color, smooth acrid, clear post-sweet taste; final tea liquid has gloss green color.

–           Quantitative standards:

Ø       The black tea: complied with Vietnamese Standard (TCVN) No. 1454-1993

Ø       The green tea:

–          Tannin (%): minimum: 25.56; maximum: 30.69

–          Dissolving substance (%): minimum: 40.47; maximum: 45.02

–          Amino acid (%): minimum: 2.22; maximum: 2.64

–          Total nitrogen: minimum: 3.92; maximum: 4.68

–          Caffeine (%): minimum: 2.13; maximum: 2.78

–          Total catechin (mg/g): minimum: 122.3; maximum: 146.0

–          Fructose (%): minimum: 2.40; maximum: 3.15

–          Tro (%): minimum: 2.40; maximum: 3.15

–          Impurities: no

The typical characteristics of the Shan Tuyết Mộc Châu tea are firstly attributed to the high mountainous terrain (above the altitude of 9,000 meters). At such height, the temperature is always cool all year round (the average annual temperature is about 18.5o C) and often plunges at night; the temperature difference between day and night is quite big (ranging from 12-15oC); the average annual humidity is around 85%; the average annual rainfall is 1,559.9 millimeters; the average annual sunshine hours are 1,905; fogging months range from December to April of next year with the most density from 16 p.m. to 4 a.m. of next day. With these specific natural conditions, the Shan Tuyết tea can be imparted stronger aroma, higher content of tannin, dissolving substance more than any kinds of Shan Tuyết tea grown at other localities. The soil for growing Shan Tuyết tea is a kind of yellow basalt soil on degenerated clay rock, brown-red developing on limestone, Rhodic Ferralsolsb, yellow-red soil on magma acid rock, humus on degenerated clay rock with more than 70 centimeters deep; inclination less than 25o, the soil sufficiently contains nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and calcium.

In addition to the natural conditions, the characteristics of the Shan Tuyết Mộc Châu tea are also attributed by the intervention of tea producers and their technical and experienced processing. Specifically, the variety of tea to be grown must be Shan Tuyết Mộc Châu tea that meets the Standard of 10 TCN 446-2001. As for the method of asexual reproduction, prepare cuttings that have one section with two leaves and plant in cylindrical PE germinating bags within 8-12 months; the sprouts are at a lowest height of 20 centimeters, with 8-10 full leaves, lowest diameter of the sprout ranges between 4-5 millimeters, the low bark has brown-red color, the top bark has deep blue color; the leaves are big, thick, gloss, without flower bud. The asexual reproduction period lasts from January to February, and July to August; the period of germination lasts from January to March, and August to September. One month before growing time, soil needs to be ploughed and fertilized  with vegetable manure. As for cultivating, dig or plough parallel trenches of 20-25 centimeters in height and 1.5-1.7 meters distant between them then put down germinating bags of saplings. The distances between trees range from 0.4-0.5 meters. The nurturing process for tea trees consist of supplementing more saplings, cultivating tree for vegetable manure, tree for shade, putting down fertilizer, preventing weeds, pestilent insect, watering if humility is less than 60% in drought months (since November to April of next year). Cutting and picking tea are done under the standard 10 TCN 446-2001.

Upon specific products, the general processing fo teas will be as follows:

–           For black tea: The processing is including followings: preparing raw materials (the top of tea tree with one bud and 2-3 young-tender leaves), allowing the materials to wither naturally or be withered by machine, rubbing and fermenting, drying the semi-final product, sorting out, checking the quality, packaging, storing and selling.

–           The Bao Chung process for green tea consists of steps: preparing raw materials (top with one bud and two young-tender leaves), making the tea buds into withering, disposing enzyme, rubbing and stirring two times; drying for the first time, keeping humidly, drying for the second time, sorting out, checking quality, packaging, storing and selling.

–           The Sao Suốt process consists of steps: preparing raw materials (top with one bud, two young-tender leaves), preserving the buds, disposing enzyme, rubbing carefully, drying, roasting, sorting out, checking quality, and packaging, storing and selling.
